SoyFest 2025

A celebration of soy!
Wednesday, August 27, 2025
In celebration of Soybean Month in Iowa, the ISRC will host its third biennial SoyFest on August 27, 2025, on Iowa State University’s central campus near Parks Library. This free, outdoor celebration of all things soy is held during the first week of fall classes at ISU and features Iowa vendors, ISU research labs and student clubs to highlight the importance of soy and its many uses in everyday life from food to new and innovative products. SoyFest will offer grilled pork and soy-veggie burgers, soy-related snacks, robotic and other technological demonstrations, soy-themed prize giveaways, carnival games, a special drawing for students, soy-based ice cream and a visit by Cy.
Participating businesses and groups in past SoyFest's have included the Iowa Soybean Association, Iowa Food & Family Project, ISU Creamery, Corteva Agriscience, Chevron-REG, Iowa Turkey Federation, Hy-Vee, Iowa Smokehouse, Old Capitol Food Co., Okabashi Shoes, Laura Soybeans, Ames Ford Lincoln, USDA and numerous ISU undergraduate student clubs. In addition, several ISU researchers provide hands-on learning experiences.
Individuals who would like to participate in SoyFest 2025 as an exhibitor, providing giveaway items or treats or providing sponsorship or by volunteering, should contact
SoyFest 2023 - 8/23/23
SoyFest 2021 - 8/25/21