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Iowa Soybean Research Center

in collaboration with the Iowa Soybean Association

Newsletter January 2025

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ISRC Researchers Visit Ag Leader and Blomgren Seed

Ag Leader & Blomgren Seed tours
Above left, ISU graduate students, staff and faculty at Ag Leader’s facility in Ames. Above right, Ag Leader employee Sam Worley (in blue shirt facing the group) begins the tour by giving an overview of Ag Leader’s precision farming facilities in Ames.













On November 5, 2024, 25 Iowa State graduate students, staff and faculty visited Ag Leader Technology and Blomgren Seed on a tour organized by the ISRC. The center provides opportunities such as this to foster awareness and understanding among the researchers of businesses and organizations supporting soybean production in Iowa. Read more...

Singh Named Associate Dean for Research at Iowa State

Danny Singh in a soybean fieldISRC Co-director and Iowa State Professor of Agronomy Asheesh "Danny" Singh was appointed Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) associate dean for research and discovery and associate director of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, effective January 1, 2025. Read more...





Iowa State Professor Creates Plant Sensors for the Early Detection of Soybean Diseases Through ISRC-funded Project

Liang DongIn 2021, the Iowa Soybean Research Center at Iowa State University funded research led by Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Liang Dong titled “Low-cost multimodal sensor arrays for early detection of soybean diseases.” The project included collaboration with Professor of Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology Steve Whitham. The goal of the research was to develop sensors for low-cost monitoring and early detection of plant diseases. Read more...


Iowa State’s New Weed Scientist Wesley Everman

Wesley EvermanWesley Everman joined Iowa State University on November 1, 2024 as an assistant professor and extension weed specialist in the Department of Agronomy. The ISRC is excited to have Everman as a faculty affiliate. Read more...





ISRC Affiliates Offer Expertise at ICM Conference

ICM Conference 2024More than 500 farmers, agronomists and researchers attended the 35th ISU Extension and Outreach Integrated Crop Management Conference held December 11 and 12 at the Meadows Event Center in Altoona, IA. The ISRC was a supporting sponsor of the conference. Read more...



Alliant Energy Digital Agriculture Innovation Lab Opens

Alliant Energy Digital Agriculture Innovation LaboratoryOver 400 people attended the ribbon cutting ceremony on December 5, to celebrate the opening of the Alliant Energy Digital Agriculture Innovation Laboratory located on the south side of the ISU Research Park in Ames. The new facility will work to enhance agronomic technology development in Iowa. Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Professor and ISRC faculty affiliate Matt Darr serves as the lab’s director.  Read more...


ISRC Sponsors Variety of Speakers for ISU in 2024

Mike Naig speaks at ISUIn recognition of the ISRC’s 10th anniversary in 2024, the center provided funding to the Iowa State University University Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Department of Agronomy and Department of Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology to host experts from outside the university as speakers for departmental seminars. Read more...



Get to Know IAC Rep: Mike Rupert, Innvictis/Simplot

Mike Rupert of Simplot

Mike Rupert is the director of agronomic sciences for the J.R. Simplot Company, an ISRC industry partner. He serves as a representative on the ISRC’s Industry Advisory Council (IAC) for Innvictis/Simplot.  Read more...




The SCN Coalition and BASF Hold SCN Workshop at ISU

Chris Marett  shows how to process a soil sampleOn November 21, ISRC Co-director and Iowa State Professor of Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology Greg Tylka led a hands-on, educational workshop for farmers and agriculture media on soybean cyst nematode (SCN). The event was organized for and sponsored by BASF as part of the SCN Coalition. Read more...




ISU Researchers Funded by USB

USB logoThe United Soybean Board (USB) approved $4.8 million in research funding to support 16 projects involving ISU researchers for fiscal year 2025. Projects highlighted in this article involve eight ISRC faculty affiliates serving as PI (principal investigator) or co-PI and five additional ISU researchers. Read more...



 CropsTV Season 5 Now Available

CropsTV logoISU Extension and Outreach’s CropsTV has returned for a fifth season. New episodes are released weekly running from January 7 through February 18, 2025, and will remain open until April 15th. Viewers also have the option of earning CCA credits after viewing episodes. Read more...




Crop Advantage Series Meetings Being Held in January

Map of IowaISU Extension and Outreach is hosting 12 meetings across the state during the month of January. For locations, topics and to register, visit These meetings are approved for continuing education credits for certified crop advisers and a private pesticide applicator continuing instruction course is also offered for an additional fee. Read more...



SoyFest 2025! Save the Date: August 27

SoyFest crowd from 2023The ISRC will host SoyFest 2025 on Wednesday, August 27. This free, fun, outdoor, educational event is held biennially on ISU’s central campus near Parks Library during the first week of fall semester classes in August, which also happens to be Soybean Month in Iowa. The event strives to inform ISU students, especially non-agriculture students, about the importance of soy in everyday living and to showcase the new and emerging uses of soy through interactive displays from a variety of exhibitors, ISU research labs and student clubs.

Individuals who would like to participate in SoyFest 2025 as an exhibitor, providing giveaway items or treats or providing sponsorship or by volunteering, should contact Jill Cornelis at or 515-294-7318. More information

Upcoming Events

January-April15: CropsTV Season 5

January 2-29: Crop Advantage Series

February 18-27: ISA Innovation to Profit Series Meetings

March 1-5: Commodity Classic, Denver, CO

July 23-26: Soy 2025: 19th Biennial Conference on Molecular & Cellular Biology of the Soybean, Madison, WI

August 27: SoyFest 2025, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Each Wednesday at Noon - Iowa Learning Farms Webinars

Keep up with what’s new at the ISRC on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).


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