Researcher Spotlight: Gary Munkvold

ISRC affiliate Gary Munkvold is a Professor of Plant Pathology, Entomology, and Microbiology at Iowa State University where he conducts research in seed-borne diseases of corn, soybean and vegetable crops. He also serves as Co-director of the USDA National Seed Health System and chairs ISU’s Graduate Program in Seed Technology and Business, teaching two courses related to seed pathology. In 2020, he received the Regents Award for Faculty Excellence for his contributions to the program.
Munkvold has conducted research on corn disease extensively, especially foliar disease management and the epidemiology and control of mycotoxin-producing fungi. On soybeans, most of his work has been related to understanding Fusarium root rot and minimizing its impacts on productivity. In his seed pathology role, he also works on seed-borne pathogens in vegetable crops, seed transmission, seed treatments and detection methods.
In fall of 2022, the ISRC funded a three-year project led by Munkvold titled “Seed Treatment Effects on the Seed and Soil Microbiome.” An update on this project can be found on the ISRC’s website. He and Larry Halverson, also a professor of Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology at Iowa State, are collaborating on the project and hope their findings will provide insight into the mechanisms by which seed treatments affect crop performance.
“ISRC funding has provided us with the opportunity to pursue research that is both valuable to soybean growers in the short term and has the potential to lead to downstream developments of interest to the scientific community,” said Munkvold.
Munkvold holds a BS in forestry and MS in plant pathology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 1992, he earned his PhD in Plant Pathology from the University of California, Davis, and joined the faculty of Iowa State. In 2002, Munkvold accepted a position as Research Coordinator for Pathology, Entomology, & Seed Science at Pioneer Hi-Bred, Int., in Johnston, IA. In 2006, he returned to ISU where he currently leads seed pathology research, education, and outreach efforts at Iowa State’s world-renowned Seed Science Center.
While an undergrad at the University of Illinois, Munkvold became interested in plant diseases when he took an introductory plant pathology class. “I was fascinated by the multi-layered interactions between plants, pathogens, and the environment. The course was taught by Dr. Don White and much later, we teamed up to co-edit the 4th edition of the Compendium of Corn Diseases. I decided to pursue an academic career during my PhD when I became involved in extension work and field trials with grape growers in California. After 10 years with ISU Extension, I enjoyed working for several years in the seed industry. When the Seed Pathology faculty position became available at ISU, it seemed a perfect fit for me, combining my dedication to safe, healthy seeds with the rewards of mentoring students and doing independent research.