Newsletter April 2023

April 2023 Newsletter
Vol. 17
Iowa State Delivers $5 Billion Impact to State’s Economy
A recent ISU News Service article by Angie Hunt, reported that Iowa State University had a $5 billion economic impact on the state of Iowa for fiscal year 2021-22. This was measured by ISU’s cutting-edge research, economic development support for business and industry, student and visitor spending, alumni earnings, campus operations and construction and ISU Extension and Outreach. Over the last four years, Iowa State received 645 invention disclosures, filed 182 new patent applications and produced 174 licenses.
According to ISU’s Office of Innovation Commercialization, Iowa Soybean Research Center affiliates were responsible for 38 invention disclosures, 18 patent applications (including foreign patent applications) and 24 licenses for technologies during fiscal years 2018-2022. Read more...
ISRC Celebrates National Soyfoods Month
Whether you have tried soyfoods and beverages or not, now might be a good time to try out a new recipe in celebration of April as National Soyfoods Month. The ISRC can hook you up with some fantastic recipes, and since many everyday products already contain soy or are cooked in soy oil, soy may already be a part of your diet and you are just not aware of it. Read more...
Nutrien and Sound Agriculture Joins the ISRC

The ISRC welcomes Nutrien and Sound Agriculture as the center’s newest industry partners. The companies will provide financial support to the center and have a representative serving on the ISRC’s industry advisory council, which provides guidance on research funding priorities for the center.
ISRC Research Project Update: Implementing Non-Chemical Tactics for Integrated Weed Management in Soybean

The ISRC received four research project updates in March on current ISRC-funded projects, which can be found under the “Research” section of the ISRC website. The following article highlights Prashant Jha’s project that was selected for funding by the ISRC Industry Advisory Council in October 2021 titled, “Enhancing Implementation and Adoption of Non-Chemical Tactics for Integrated Weed Management in Soybean.” Read more...
ISA & NCSRP FY24 Request For Proposals

The Iowa Soybean Association and the North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP) both recently released their requests for proposals.
The due date for submission of proposals to ISA is Monday, May 8, 2023.
The due date for submission of proposals to NCSRP is Monday, May 22, 2023
ISRC/ISU Welcomes ISA’s New Senior Director of Research Dr. Christie Wiebbecke
The ISRC hosted a reception on February 28th to welcome and introduce ISA’s new Senior Director of Research Dr. Christie Wiebbecke to ISU researchers. The event was held in the Seed Science Building atrium with introductions made by associate dean for research and discovery Carolyn Lawrence-Dill and ISA’s retiring Senior Director of Research Ed Anderson. Read more...
Happy Retirement to ISA’s Ed Anderson
The ISRC would like to wish Dr. Ed Anderson, senior director of research for the Iowa Soybean Association, a very happy and well-deserved retirement. We will miss his leadership, friendship and vast knowledge in the soybean realm. Anderson was instrumental in the establishment of the Iowa Soybean Research Center and has served as chair of the center’s Industry Advisory Council and as a member of the ISRC’s management team since the center's inception in 2014. Read more...
Iowa State University President and ISRC Hosts Retirement Reception for ISA’s Anderson
Iowa State University President Wendy Wintersteen and ISRC Director and Morrill Professor Greg Tylka hosted a retirement reception for Iowa Soybean Association Senior Director of Research Ed Anderson on April 14 at The Knoll. ISU research faculty, ISA farmer board directors and staff and ISRC staff joined in to help celebrate. Read more...
Researcher Spotlight: Liang Dong

ISRC affiliate Liang Dong is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Iowa State University. In October 2021, he became the first recipient of the Vikram L. Dalal Professorship in electrical and computer engineering at Iowa State. His core research areas include sensors, micro-electromechanical systems and biochips. Read more...
ISA Presents March Research Webinar
ISA’s Research Center for Farming Innovation (RCFI) team held an “Innovation to Profit Webinar” on March 2 after an in-person conference was canceled due to a snowstorm in February. Joe McClure, RCFI Co-Director kicked off the webinar by introducing the plan/do/check/act model as a way of implementing a more formal planning mechanism.
Soynomics Team Videos Available on YouTube
The Soynomics team at ISU has produced their own line of Soynomics videos hosted on the Integrated Pest Management and Soynomics YouTube Channels. Each video covers research that members of the group are working on and includes a variety of topics such as use of drones, robots, satellites and varying types of sensors that is advancing research on heat and water stress, pod counting and yield estimation, disease and insect pest scouting, and more.
ISU Researchers Host Spring Training for Syngenta
In March, ISRC and ISU researchers and Extension staff helped host a two-day spring agronomy training session for Syngenta agronomists at ISU’s Seed Science Center. Researchers provided updates on a variety of crop-related issues. Read more...
Save the Date for SoyFest: August 23, 2023!
The ISRC will host its second biennial SoyFest on August 23 from 10am-2pm near Parks Library on the ISU campus. The event is held in August to coincide with Soybean Month in Iowa and the first week of classes at ISU. Join the ISRC staff, ISRC affiliates/ISU researchers, student groups and soy-related businesses as we celebrate all things soy. Read more...
Science for Success Holds Webinars
Science for Success held three webinars in March. Videos from the webinars can be viewed by the following links:
Key Personnel Changes at ISU
ISU recently announced some changes to key positions within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Extension and Outreach.
ISRC Affiliate and CALS Highlights
O’Neal to Share Sustainable Agriculture Chair Position at ISU
Upcoming Events
July 25, Indianapolis, IN - Coordinated Soybean Centers Annual Meeting
July 26-28, Indianapolis, IN - Soybean Research Forum and Think Tank
August 23, Ames, IA - SoyFest 2023
Wednesdays at noon - Iowa Learning Farms Weekly Webinars