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Iowa Soybean Research Center

in collaboration with the Iowa Soybean Association

ISRC Holds Think Tank on Soybean Production Research

ISRC holds Think Tank.
Above left, nearly 40 representatives from ag industry, ISA, plus farmers and ISU researchers participated in the ISRC Think Tank discussions on soybean production research needs. Center, Suzanne Shirbroun, ISA president and soybean farmer is engaged in discussion at her table. At right, Chris Souder, Bayer, and Christie Wiebbecke, ISA, discuss soybean production challenges.

In September, prior to the center’s annual Industry Advisory Council meeting, the ISRC held a Think Tank to identify challenges and needs for soybean production research. Nearly 40 individuals representing Iowa soybean farmers, agricultural industry, ISU researchers and the Iowa Soybean Association participated in the event. Most of the ISRC’s industry partners and farmer representatives who serve on the center’s Industry Advisory Council were involved in the Think Tank. Sociology assistant professor Katie Dentzman and her graduate students helped facilitate the discussions.

Small group think tank discussion.
From left, Leonor Leandro, ISU professor of plant pathology, entomology and microbiology; Meaghan Anderson, ISU Extension agronomist; and Marcus Jones, product development manager for AMVAC, engage in discussion. 

A myriad of research topics and gaps were identified such as a changing climate, soil health, specific diseases and pests, markets and government regulations, plant health versus profitability, funding issues, scalability of data, emerging technologies, the need for remote sensing and smaller equipment, and the need for academia and industry to work together more, just to name a few. The ISRC plans to share the takeaways from the Think Tank with its stakeholders to help shape the direction of future soybean production research through the center.

collage from think tank of people talking at tables
From left, ISRC affiliate Lie Tang, agricultural and biosystems engineering; Danny Singh, agronomy; and Erin Doran, Sound Agriculture and Julia Daum, BASF.

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