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Iowa Soybean Research Center

in collaboration with the Iowa Soybean Association

USB Funds Eleven ISU Researchers

USB logoThe United Soybean Board (USB) approved $78 million in funding for 181 projects for fiscal year 2022, of which Iowa State University is involved in 14. Following is the list of projects led by or involving Iowa State researchers and ISRC affiliates.

  • Madan Bhattacharyya, agronomy, will serve as lead PI on a project titled “Identification of High Yielding Soybean Lines with Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) and Phytophthora Resistance and Molecular Markers linked to Novel Genes Encoding SDS and Phytophthora Resistances”
  • Eric Cochran, chemical and biological engineering, will serve as lead PI and Chris Williams, civil, construction and environmental engineering, will serve as a co-PI on a project titled “Accelerated Joint Development of Poly (acrylated epoxidized high HOSO) Asphalt Modifier and Partially Epoxidized HOSO”
  • Prashant Jha, agronomy, will serve as a co-PI on a project led by Bill Johnson, Purdue, titled “Take Action Multi State Herbicide Resistant Crops and Weeds Educational Program”
  • Prashant Jha, agronomy, will serve as a co-PI on a project led by Bryan Young, Purdue, titled “Integrating Best Management Practices for Herbicide-Resistant Weeds and Herbicide Stewardship in Soybean Production”
  • Leonor Leandro, Gary Munkvold, and Silvina Aria, plant pathology and microbiology, will serve as a co-PIs on a project led by Jason Bond, Southern Illinois University, titled “Seedling Pathogens in the Soybean Production Cycle: Management and Communication”
  • Daren Mueller, plant pathology and microbiology, will serve as lead PI on a project titled “Crop Protection Network: A Collaborative National Resource to Deliver Soybean Research Results to Farmers”
  • Daren Mueller, plant pathology and microbiology, will serve as a co-PI on a project led by Tessie Wilkerson, Mississippi State University, titled “Screening and Breeding Soybeans for Resistance to Mature Soybean Seed Damage”            
  • Daren Mueller, plant pathology and microbiology, will serve as a co-PI on a project led by Ahmad Fakhoury, Southern Illinois University, titled “ Developing and Disseminating a Comprehensive and Sustainable Management Program for Foliar Diseases of Soybean”   
  • Alison Robertson, plant pathology and microbiology, will serve as a co-PI on a project led by Anne Dorrance, The Ohio State University, titled “Developing the Perfect Molecular Markers and New Germplasm for Rapid Incorporation of Resistance to Soil Borne Pathogens in Soybean”
  • Danny Singh, agronomy, will serve as a co-PI on a project led by George Graef, University of Nebraska, titled “Increasing Genetic Diversity, Yield, and Protein of US Commercial Soybean Germplasm”               
  • Danny Singh, agronomy, will serve as a co-PI on a project led by Rouf Mian, USDA/ARS, titled “Discover and Deploy Novel Genes to Develop New Varieties and Germplasm with Elevated Meal Protein and Essential Amino Acids from Diverse Sources, Including Cultivated and Wild soybeans”        
  • Danny Singh, agronomy, will serve as a co-PI on a project led by Ben Fallen, USDA/ARS, titled “Drought Resiliency for the Farm-Yield Limitations of Commercial Soybean Varieties Under Drought: Identifying and Overcoming Weaknesses Via “Team Drought’s” Public Breeding Pipeline”
  • Danny Singh, agronomy, will serve as a co-PI on a project led by Zenglu Li, University of Georgia, titled “Discovering and Deploying Genetic Solutions Across Maturity Groups for Durable Resistance to Multiple Nematodes”
  • Greg Tylka, plant pathology and microbiology, will serve as a co-PI on a project led by Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky, titled “SCN Coalition: Reinforcing and Maintaining Local Efforts and Sustainable Yields”