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Iowa Soybean Research Center

in collaboration with the Iowa Soybean Association

Newsletter October 2022

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  October 2022 Newsletter

Vol. 15

ISRC Funds New Soybean Research Projects

IAC Meeting
Above left, ISU Dean of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dan Robison (second from left) gives opening comments. Above right, members of the Industry Advisory Council listen to a research presentation.

The ISRC’s Industry Advisory Council (IAC) met in September for their annual meeting to consider a wide range of soybean research ideas and to provide guidance on how to best invest $300,000 in research funding. The IAC continues to grow with the addition of six new industry partners over the past year, making for a total of 17 industry partners represented on the council. This year also marks a $2 million milestone in research funding for the ISRC.

Thanks to continued increases in financial support provided by the Iowa Soybean Association and an increase in the number of industry partners, the ISRC was able to fund two projects. Read more...

ISRC Hosts ISU Research Tour for ISA Farmers

Danny Singh speaks with ISA membersOn September 8 and 9, the ISRC hosted a tour of Iowa State University’s research facilities and research plots for about 45 Iowa Soybean Association farmer board members and staff. Read more...




ISRC Summer 2022 Field Tour

Salin247Each year, the ISRC hosts a field tour with the goal of engaging graduate students, faculty and staff in the departments of agronomy, agriculture and biosystems engineering, and plant pathology, entomology, and microbiology from Iowa State. On August 4, the ISRC coordinated a group of 30 to tour Beck's Hybrids near Colfax, IA, Kemin Industries in Des Moines, IA, and Salin247 from Ames, IA. Read more...


Volunteers, Cargill, and ISRC Come Together for Meals from the Heartland

Meals from the Heartland groupThe ISRC would like to extend a big, heartfelt thank you to the more than 40 volunteers who helped package 38,000 meals for the center’s Meals from the Heartland event on August 5, at ISU’s Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center. Thanks also are extended to Cargill for their very generous monetary donation that covered the cost of the ingredients. Read more...

ISRC Hosts Soybean Farmers from Brazil

Seed Science visitOn August 29, the Iowa Soybean Research Center hosted a campus tour for a group of 20 soybean farmers affiliated with Aprosoja Mato Grosso from Brazil. The group was in Iowa to visit the Iowa Soybean Association, Iowa State University and the Farm Progress Show near Boone. Read more...



Soybean Centers Meet for Second time in 2022

Soybean Centers April meetingIn July, the Coordinated Soybean Centers group met for a second time in 2022, following a Soybean Research Forum and Think Tank in Indianapolis. The centers discussed formalizing a name for the group as well as a mission statement. Read more...



Soybean Gall Midge Continues to Spread

map of soybean gall midge spreadAccording to a report released by the Soybean Gall Midge (SGM) Alert Network in August, this new pest is continuing its gradual spread from the western border of Iowa to central counties. Erin Hodgson, plant pathology, entomology and microbiology, Iowa State University, and her research team carefully scouted for midges in July and August to document the distribution and rate of spread in the state. Read more...


ISU Research Featured at Farm Progress Show

Farm Progress ShowFollowing a hiatus due to the pandemic, the Farm Progress Show returned to Boone, Iowa, in full force in September. Iowa State had a 6,000 square feet exhibit that showcased the latest agricultural research and technology with more than 135 faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students and Extension specialists presenting on a wide variety of topics. Read more...


Joe McClure Named Co-Director of ISA’s RCFI

Joe McClureIn June, Joe McClure joined the Iowa Soybean Association as a co-director for the Research Center for Farming Innovation (RCFI), where he will lead RCFI’s on-farm research. Read more...



Get to Know IAC Rep: Ben Pieper, Merschman Seeds

Ben Pieper, Merschman SeedsBen Pieper is a product manager, agronomist and certified crop adviser for Merschman Seeds in Westpoint, IA. He serves as Merschman Seeds’ representative on the ISRC’s Industry Advisory Council.



Researcher Spotlight: Matt O’Neal

MattONealISRC affiliate Matt O'Neal is a professor of plant pathology, entomology and microbiology at Iowa State University, where he oversees research related to the management of insect pests of annual crops, with a focus on soybeans.



ISRC Affiliate Highlights

Helmers Named ASABE Fellow

Helmers Named ASABE Fellow

Matt Helmers, agricultural and biosystems engineering and director of the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, was named a 2022 Fellow of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) at its annual international meeting on July 18, in Houston, Texas. Read more… 

Amy Kaleita
Kaleita Receives Massey-Ferguson Educational Gold Medal

Amy Kaleita, agricultural and biosystems engineering department chair and ISRC management team member, was honored at the ASABE international annual meeting in July with the Massey-Ferguson Educational Gold Medal. Read more…


Mark Licht receives the Arden Campbell Award
Licht Receives Arden R. Campbell Award

Mark Licht, agronomy, was presented with the Arden R. Campbell award in July. The award recognizes a faculty member who has made notable contributions and provided distinguished service to the MS in Agronomy Distance Education Program. Read more...


Danny Singh

Singh Works with Engineers to Create Innovative In-Field Research Chamber

Danny Singh, agronomy, worked with mechanical engineering students to invent a practical, portable field-deployable research chamber for field-testing of plants under future climate scenarios, specifically for breeding heat tolerant varieties. Read more...

Upcoming Events

November 30 - December 1, Ames, IA - 33rd ISU Integrated Crop Management Conference

December 5-8, Chicago, IL - ASTA's CSS & Seed Expo 2022

December14-16, Savannah, GA - National Soybean Nematode Conference

January - March 2023 - CropsTV Season 3 (registration will open in November 2022)

Wednesdays at noon - Iowa Learning Farms Weekly Webinars

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