Get to Know IAC Rep: Stott Howard, Syngenta

Stott Howard is Heartland Region Head for Syngenta’s Crop Protection Field Development organization and serves as Syngenta’s representative on the ISRC’s Industry Advisory Council. Syngenta’s Heartland Region is comprised of 13 scientists across nine Midwestern states who are focused on the development and characterization of pest control technologies.
During his 30 plus year tenure with Syngenta, he has filled many roles ranging from a bench scientist working with chemists on the discovery of new herbicides to a global technical manager responsible for developing strategies for corn, cotton and soybean herbicides. These different roles have afforded him the opportunity to travel extensively and reside in other countries. Howard notes that meeting farmers from around the world is always inspirational. “No matter what country, no matter what type of government, farmers are always exemplary citizens in their community,” said Howard.
Howard has served as Syngenta’s representative on the ISRC’s Industry Advisory Council for four years and believes that it is time very well spent. “I see tangible outputs from the ISRC’s support of research projects. For example, in 2019, the ISRC supported ISU weed scientist Prashant Jha’s hyperspectral imaging project and at the 2021 North Central Weed Science Society (NCWSS) annual meeting one of Jha’s graduate students, Austin Schleich, presented the poster Hyperspectral Imaging for Early Detection of Herbicide Resistant Amaranthus tuberculatus in Soybean Production Fields. The poster was very well received by the society and is now an important piece of literature in this area of science. This is fantastic work and I look forward to continuing my involvement with the ISRC,” said Howard.
Howard received an undergraduate degree in horticulture from Utah State University and a Ph.D. in weed science from Washington State University. Prior to joining Syngenta, he was as an extension weed scientist with Washington State University. He has served as a board member of the NCWSS and was president of the organization in 2020.
For those that know Howard, know he can usually be spotted wearing his beloved LA Dodgers cap. And, while Howard will tell you that he very much enjoys his career in agriculture, he is quick to add, “I always keep an eye on incoming telephone calls….hoping that the Los Angeles Dodgers will finally pick up my option.”