Iowa Soybean Association Increases Its Financial Support of ISRC Research
At its board meeting on September 9, the Iowa Soybean Association doubled its financial commitment to the ISRC for fiscal year 2022. The ISA was able to increase the amount of support provided to the center for the upcoming year from $100,000 to $200,000 due to higher soybean prices directly impacting checkoff dollars and the strong recommendation by farmers that research project proposals to the ISRC were innovative, aligned with the goals of ISA and important to Iowa soybean farmers. The increased support came following the ISRC’s annual Industry Advisory Council meeting on September 3, in which council members wanted to fund more research projects than the budget would allow. The additional funding provided by the ISA and the funds from the center’s 11 industry partners made this the largest amount of funding ever invested by the center in a single year.