Choosing SCN-resistant Varieties
In last month’s column, we discussed ways to fine-tune your soybean seed selection for 2020 planting. One of the steps mentioned was matching soybean agronomic traits to your particular soils and production systems. One of these traits, a very important one, is variety resistance to soybean cyst nematode. SCN is found in about 75% of Iowa soybean fields.
Resistant varieties continue to be a key tool for managing SCN. With financial support from the soybean checkoff through the Iowa Soybean Association, Iowa State University annually compiles a list of SCN-resistant soybean varieties available for use in Iowa. Greg Tylka, professor in the department of plant pathology and microbiology at ISU, has years of experience as ISU’s Extension nematologist. He emphasizes the role variety choice plays in managing SCN.